Frictionless Mental Health™

The first step to improving retention is recognizing that your EAP isn’t helping you fight turnover. Short of salary increases, FMH is among the most powerful tools available for minimizing employee turnover.

Organizations that are serious about retention partner with Happy

Retention requires three things; Happy delivers all three

Sustained Support

Real-time Data

Responsive Action

If your EAP is not sending you daily recommendations like this [dashboard preview]... , “then they’re not taking your retention goals seriously”

Benefits to working with Happy

in turnover in 6 months time

38% reduction

 for 1500 employee organization

$1,692,400 savings

in healthcare costs

Up to a 40% reduction

across all employer customers

7.5-10.7:1 ROI

Contributors to ROI

Healthcare cost savings

Reduction in lost productive time

Turnover savings

Are you ready to get serious about retention?